
New Maker — Anke Drechsel

Heirloom treasures for the whole family...

Anke Drechsel is a renowned German textile designer whose collections are a precious example of uncompromising embroidery at the finest level.

Anke believes that real luxury lies in true craftsmanship. Her quality fabrics are dyed to her own colour specifics, and her exclusive designs are then individually embroidered on the frame, piece by piece, by master craftsmen at her atelier in Karlsruhe.

Square Cushions in Olive and Grape 27x27cm, with Fringe
Sona Elephant in Old Rose
Dotty Frog in Shaded Mint
Enny Cushion in Orchid
Elephant, Giraffe and Lion by Anke Drechsel
Anise Cushion in Citrine
Madame Bovary Elephant in Shaded Blue
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