Studio Visit — L'Erbavoglio
Handmade Copper Flower Sculptures from Milan

Located at the end of a quaint cobble lane in Milan's artisanal area Brera , we found a cozy little atelier, accentuated by a green awning and two olive trees. Inside the light was low and glowing. We had come to meet our makers from L'Erbavoglio — makers of ornamental flowers, cut from copper sheets and hand painted to resemble the 19th century botanical models.
The name: ‘Erbavoglio’ translates in English to “I want”, taken from a catchphrase spoken to children in Italy when they throw tantrums or insist with their requests. The concept applies to the women's desire to do whatever they want, at the pace that suits them. Owners Elisabetta (Betty) and Laura had previous careers in different industries, but enduring only what the spirit could handle, the pair found themselves seeking a new direction which included their love of gardening and nature, and using their hands...
Inside, the store is dense with charm and character, and has our eyes flying around the room. Metal flower sculptures, in all shapes and colours, are peppered across antique tables and trays. It is like being in a garden. Their creative work takes part out the back of their boutique, with a shared desk to host their current creation (and hide their small dog), positioned underneath a wall-to-wall collage of family photographs and shelves of paint.
Their craft starts with a metal sheet, which is drawn and cut by hand, and then modelled to replicate the texture of leaves or petals. The flowers are then assembled and hand painted. No two are ever the same. The time spent in this space is echoed on Betty's apron, layered with bright floral-coloured paints, looking like its own kind of impressionist garden.

Before we left, we were treated to a browse through their vintage botanical book collection, stuffed with bookmarks, notes and sketches — it is where their love and research of flora unite...

L'Erbavoglio's latest floral sculptures have arrived, fresh from our order place at their Italian atelier. See the collection in store and online [here]