” _____ is a breakfast food.” by Marjory Sweet


Milky coffee. Leftover pie. Oatmeal. Two eggs. Cold pizza. A bite of someone else’s toast. Soup. Meat. Sugar. Water. Nothing. Of the traditional “three meals,” breakfast is the most personal, the most interpretive, and in many ways the most ritualistic…

The origin point of this book was not a desire to compile favourite recipes for eggs and waffles—it was an interest in what other people eat in the morning and why. Cook + writer Marjory Sweet composed a brief questionnaire and sent it to a handful of women, near and far. The responses received are interspersed among her recipes in the hope that this book feels like a conversation, not only about what to cook in the morning, but how we store the memory of taste in our bodies.

Text and recipes by Marjory Sweet, Images by Halley Roberts Strongwater, Published by anyonebooks.


  • Binding: Hardcover, Size: 190mm H x 130mm, Pages: 100pp, Interior: Full colour.