
Bouquet D'Arum Cushion 30x60 | Lemon

$260 NZD

Bouquet D'Arum is the work of French Fauvisit painter, Raoul Dufy, lovingly transferred to fabric in the 21st Century by British design firm, Christopher Farr. Christopher Farr fabrics continued to be expertly produced in the UK.

This decidedly French image adds warmth and whimsy to a room in this striking lemon hue, the perfect way to add colour to a neutrally upholstered piece of furniture.

Dimensions: 30x60cm, comes with feather inner.


Rachel Carley Design

Rachel Carley established a ceramic design practice during 1994 in Auckland, New Zealand, after completing her PhD in Architecture. Rachel's ceramic collection contains a range of elegant and eclectic forms, which are designed to collaborate with food. A sustainable imperative informs Rachel's design practice. The ceramics are proudly made in New Zealand, and have become collectables, so are less likely to be part of a disposable ‘throwaway’ culture.