
We Love Easy Weekends

The latest cook book to arrive in store is Easy Weekends by Neil Perry...

As Australia's best known chef, Neil Perry is often associated with the high end food served at his successful restaurant Rockpool. In Easy Weekends, Neil celebrates cooking at home with over 90 recipes that focus on flavoursome food for any weekend occasion. Whether you're looking for an easy and delicious family stir-fry on a Friday night, clever ideas for a Saturday dinner party, or preparing a slow-cooked Sunday feast for friends, Neil Perry's Easy Weekends is as inspiring and accessible as it's title suggests!

"Good Shopping, Good Cooking, Good Living has always been my mantra. I believe the way to a healthy life is through a well-balanced diet comprising fresh food and variety. Nothing is really bad for you in moderation. I love pork fat, but do I eat it every day? No, of course not. Do I enjoy it as a treat in my bacon for breakfast or in an Asian stir-fry or braise? Yes, most definitely. Moderation is the key to good eating; balance your diet with fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, dairy and a good amount of fish.

You can prepare most of these recipes without being an amazingly-skilled cook. I want this book to be approachable, to give you simple ideas that work well together. I hope it helps you explore the different cuisines that have always influenced my food. It is Australia's multiculturalism that has defined me as a cook and I want to share some of those Eastern and Western influences, which have made me who I am." - Neil Perry

Available in store and online now. 

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